What Are The 6 Pillars Of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing

The phrase “digital marketing” has become popular. However, few of those who know what it is!

Read the rest of this article to find out if you know the 6 main pillars of digital marketing.


This is the first step to take when setting up digital marketing in a company. The strategy will indeed determine all the actions that will follow. A digital marketing strategy is based on an analysis of the market, the competition as well as a SWOT of your company to determine how it will be able to position itself.

This is also the step where you must precisely determine the nature of your target audience, in particular using personas. You can then choose the digital channels you will use to reach and interact with this audience.


The website is a must for any company that wants to embark on a digital strategy. Indeed, the site serves as a showcase for your business and allows you to collect leads and convert them. For your site to perform its functions properly, you must ensure that you follow certain recommendations such as:

Adaptation to mobile: more and more Internet users are surfing from their phones. Your site must therefore be adapted to avoid losing prospects.

Loading speed: a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load loses more than half of its traffic!


Once you have a site, you need to drive traffic to it. The Internet is vast, to have results you must have good visibility. This visibility can be achieved in different ways:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Online advertisements
  • Use of social networks
  • Content strategy 
  • Offline Promotion

The best way to be visible on the internet at a lower cost is to combine all these techniques.


Attracting Internet users to your site is good, but you still need to be able to convert them! For example, you can offer the visitor to subscribe to your newsletter, download a white paper or give you a call. There are many types of conversions, the most ideal of which is of course buying or ordering.

  1. Performance Analysis

To know your results, you need to be able to analyze them. Thanks to online tools, you can collect a lot of data that interests you on the behavior and characteristics of your visitors to be able to detect what works well on your site and in your advertisements as well as what works less well.

  1. Optimization

With the data from Step 5, you can take action to improve your site and test new advertising strategies. This will allow you to get better results in the next period, which will bring you new data that will allow you to improve (and so on).

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