online marketing solutions for the hotel

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How do you attract guests to your hotel with a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Hotel Digital Marketing is an umbrella term, which refers to the various marketing strategies and techniques that hotels use, in order to promote their business and make a positive impression on customers. Essentially, it is about making a hotel as appealing as possible, in order to attract as many guests as possible. Digital marketing solution for Hotels is the challenge of being in the hotel […]
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Restaurants Social Media Promotions 2

How can a hospitality business use social media to promote their business?

Credits: Sitanshu Gandhi Hospitality is a subset of the service industry. It primarily entails addressing customer satisfaction and catering to guests’ needs. This can be addressed by addressing issues such as lodging, amenities, and travel plans. ‘Accommodation’ and ‘Food & Drinks’ are two key concepts in the hospitality industry. Accommodations in the hospitality industry are […]
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